Tuesday, October 10, 2017

August Postcard Poetry Fest aka PoPoFest 2017

Hi Ku or Low Ku?

Cards received from unknown senders
In July I signed up for August Postcard Poetry Fest.
Once upon a time the Austin Writers' League named me Traveling Poet 1994. After a hiatus I started tweeting as DutchessAbroad.
The idea of the Postcard Poetry Fest is —to use a postcard the way you would any piece of paper, pinning down words. And then you address the folks on a list of 31, one by one, starting with the name underneath your own.
The first eighteen days I wrote random (bad) haikus or other shorts. Then a friend posted on Facebook that she was feeling sad for no apparent reason. "Weltschmerz", I said.

APPF #21through 31, misspelled with T before Z
I linked the last twelve cards by the letters in Weltschmerz. This brought me closer to how I had initially hoped the project would develop. If I participate again, I'd give more attention to the whole design. Did APPF inspire me to write poetry? May be yes, may be no. As I mentioned above, I tweet, and 140 characters in response to what's happening around me, or in the world, is about my speed.

I may post some of cards 1 through 20, plus the off the cuff poems separately on this blog.
August 1+2, 3+4, 5+6, 7+8, 9+10, 11+12, 13+14, 15+16, 17+18, 19+20,

This work by by Judith van Praag is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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