Thursday, April 5, 2018

Write On! - Taking Note with Apple Mémoires

Taking Note

May 17, 2011 marks the first time I used Scoop-it to share articles and blog posts on writing.
Seven years later I've shared a good 900 posts. Along the way "Write On!" received a silver badge. 

The times they are a changing, I need to make room or won't be able to keep adding new material to my Write On! Scoop-it. So I'll attempt to republish many, if not all of my previous shares. 

When relevant, I'll add a note to the previously published one.
I'm starting with the very first one, about Mémoires, an Apple note-taking-App I used at the time. 

May 17, 2011While the water for my morning tea is heating I note my first thoughts and write them down on a pad I keep on the kitchen counter. After that, while my jasmine pearl green tea is steeping I look at messages on my iPhone. Sometimes I allow myself to look at email as well. That usually is a big mistake, because my mind starts to drift. If I want to start on my Work in Process (script or book) I better not get sidetracked. I get sidetracked easily, this note is proof. Finding this program to help keep my notes together, a reward for first doing some work.
In the beginning I really liked the App, but later keeping track turned out to be a bit of a pain. The best way was to "save as" or export your journal to RTF, plain text or PDF. 
Then a friend turned me on to Evernote and I made the switch, using the Evernote clipper App happily ever since. Going by the 5* reviews of the Mémoires App on the coding robots blog others swear by it.

Doesn't matter how you do it, take note!

This work by by Judith van Praag is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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